
  • Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
  • Location: Roanoke, Virginia, United States 24018
  • Date Lost: October 8, 2020
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

Sherman is an indoor bird, with me for over 13 years since he was a speckled fledgling. He is fully flighted and not clipped. He is friendly, but shy of strangers. If you see him, please phone or text ASAP to 540-354-4064 using “Sherman” in the first phrase of your message. If you have a chance to approach him, say in a gentle high pitched voice “Hello, Sherman. You’re such a pretty bird. Such a beautiful bird,” etc. You may whistle the melody to “Oh What a Beautiful Morning,” or several wolf whistles. He learned to tune as a fledgling and always comes to it when I use it to call him.If he decides to trust you, he is likely to swoop over suddenly and land on your shoulder. If he does that, don’t be alarmed. He does not bite unless frightened. Snacks he likes are popcorn, Sun Chips, and pretty anything crispy.

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