
  • Species: Conure - Sun (See species list for details)
  • Location: Crozet, Virginia, United States 22932
  • Date Lost: April 18, 2020
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

We were gifted Picasso from friends in July 2013. They had previously bought a Green Conure and when then brought Picasso into their home, the Green Conure became very territorial and began to attack Picasso regularly. He was traumatized from this after the Green Consure bit off his left talon and a portion of his foot. When we first accepted him into our home, he was timid, and we were very careful to allow him the time he needed to assimilate into our family on his own time. Over the years he began to flourish and fit right in with our family of five. He should be easy to identify with by his right foot and he tends to call out in a 2, 3, or 4 pattern. He does not have a band.

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