
  • Species: Parakeet, Budgie (See species list for details)
  • Location: The Colony, Texas, United States 75056
  • Date Lost: September 19, 2020
  • Banded: Don't know
  • Microchipped: No

A cage of parakeets has escaped during a move. They are different colors. Yellow, white, 2 blue, green, turquoise, mint, multi . I’m in hopes they will stay together. If you hear or see the noisy bunch please try to contact me instead of going after them. I can bring treats and their cage to maybe get them to come to me. Some have bands, some don’t. This is a challenging situation because I can’t hear them at all. I think some curious kids opened the transport cage as we were gathering other birds and items. I’m sure no harm was meant but it will be best for the birds if they can be captured.

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