
  • Species: Conure - Pineapple Green Cheek (See species list for details)
  • Location: Port Hueneme, California, United States 93041
  • Date Lost: November 4, 2024
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

Still missing our little dude:

Missing conure : if found please let me know
He has a band around his right claw

By channel island / Ventura street . I am located down N 5th St in port Hueneme

He is tame for the most part

He belongs to my 9 year old and we miss him very much

He never learned to fly and we are terrified he has been snatched by an animal . I woke up this morning to an open care . I have two birdies my conure who is missing and a cockatiel . To open the cage requires a person to open it .

There has been a few things stolen from my house recently and my believe is he was one of them .

If any one has heard of anyone selling a conure . Please let me know ; I have my suspicions on who could have done it if that was the case . He drives a dark blue pick up truck pretty low on the ground with chrome rims.

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