
  • Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
  • Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States 85251
  • Date Lost: October 6, 2019
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No


Name: Sweetie Bird or Sweets

Date last seen: 10/8/2019

Location last seen:
74th Street, south of Northland heading north, Old Town Scottsdale AZ 85251
I have been canvassing my neighborhood from Scottsdale rd to Miller rd and Camelback to Chaparral to find her. I heard her call several times and she was spotted three times Mon and Tues. I can no longer hear her and I think she may have flown north of Chaparral and/or east of the canal. She often fllies in a loop or boomerang pattern

She is a shy, small Cockatiel bird that is grey with white wing outline and white pied pearl markings on inside wings, orange circles on cheeks and a yellow crown. One wing hangs lower than the other when not in flight. This makes her walk with a slight limp.

She is easily frightened so please do not approach. Please offer her water to keep her there longer and call/text me at 602-614-1443 or email


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