- Species: African Grey (See species list for details)
- Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States 85012
- Date Lost: December 3, 2011
- Banded: Yes
- Microchipped: No
- Contact Person: Kelly
- Phone Number: 480-322-9923
Sometimelast night 2 parrots were stolen. One congo african grey named Fred, he is banded (we are trying to find his band number) he is pretty large african grey. He says his nakme, says hello fred, freddy ready for beddy and alot of other stuff. Harley a citron crested cockatoo says hi harley hi harley makes dog squeeky toy sounds. PLEASE if you see any postings or for sale signs PLEASE contact immediatley! They were stolen with out there cages so no telling what they are in. Stolen from 7th street and camelback. Please contact Kelly 480322 9923