- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Savanah, Georgia, United States 31406
- Streets: Skidaway and Bona Bella
- Date Lost: February 19, 2012
- Phone Number: 912-655-7788
- Original URL: http://savannah.craigslist.org/pet/3016786205.html
I am still looking for my female Cockatiel named Yum Yum..She is a little over 2 years old and extremly friendly and loves to snuggle up and sleep with you..I can’t imagine her out there all alone..It breaks my Heart to know she’s out there somewhere..PLEASE if you see her anywhere call me anytime of the day or night…or send me a TXT message!!! A Lady called me about a Month after that and said she seen her on a rooftop near the Captains Lounge off waters avenue..But when we got there we didn’t see her anywhere…you can also TXT me..PLEASE HELP ME LOOK FOR HER!!! 912-655-7788