- Species: Cockatiel - White Faced (See species list for details)
- Location: Ashburn, Virginia, United States 20148
- Streets: Waxpool Rd & Claiborne Pkwy
- Date Lost: October 30, 2011
- Phone Number: 703-955-1173
- Original URL: http://www.petfinder.com/classifieds/searchclassified.cgi?state=ALL&order=created+DESC&keyword=bird&type=L
Corey is a six year old grey and white cockatiel. He will come to your shoulder when called or whistled to but does not like to be “caught”. He will come to a rustling plastic shopping bag or a sheet of aluminum foil. Last seen near the intersection of Waxpool Rd. and Claiborne Parkway in Ashburn on Oct. 30.