- Species: Amazon - Mexican Redhead, Green Cheeked (See species list for details)
- Location: West Hollywood, California, United States 90069
- Date Lost: June 19, 2012
- Phone Number: 323-xxx-xxxx
- Original URL: http://losangeles@.craigslist.org/lac/laf/3089622428.html
911 volunteer was informed that Iggy was found two days after escaping across the street from his home in an Oak Tree.
Lost Red headed Amazon Parrot last seen in the Norton Ave/ Crescent Heights area. His name is Iggy and is very friendly.He has a kink in his right wing as can bee seen in the pictures. He flew off my shoulder and out through an open door last night at about 10:30 pm. He has never lived outside and may be a bit affraid, but is a friendly bird. He has a very loud jungle call at sunup and sundown and will whistle along with you, and can say hello. IGGY COME HOME! Reward Offered.