
  • Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
  • Location: Cochranville, Pennsylvania, United States 19330
  • Date Lost: June 3, 2012
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

Hi Karen, Our bird was found!!! He flew over five miles and found several very nice people who fed and cared for him for several days while they figured out what to do with him. Luckily, they contacted a local vet facility that had our info. Thank you again for your support!!! Do you know anyone or place I can get a microchip for our grey? Kim


Dear Karen, We unfortunately lost our African Grey again!! He managed to escape from his outdoor cage. I think that he got a taste of freedom on his last disappearance. Could you please lend us your support and help in trying to reunite us with Durban. He flew away today around 11am and has not been seen or heard. If you have any further advice for us it would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you, Kim Georgette

Email from finder:

I can’t thank you enough for your helpful tips and contacts. I am extremely excited to tell you we found our Grey!!!!!! He was is a lower branch deep in the woods near our home. After 6 hours of silence he Began his normal whistles and talking. My husband was able to track him down and rescue him. Thank you!!!! Your service is very comforting and helpful to those desperate for help. Thanks again for your assistance and support.

Kim G.

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