
Yes, I sent an email to 911ParrotAlert website. She flew 18 miles on moderately CLIPPED wings in 36 hrs. Then two things (not counting God) brought her home. 1)She is very social and landed on someone. 2) He looked on Craigslist and recognized her behavior as well as her description. I did not believe he had found her. But he said she did one specific behavior I had described so I drove to Weymouth (for my first time). Once there, there was no question it was her. He had her in a large dog crate, poor golden retriever had to sleep on the porch. As soon as he opened the crate she flew to me; and before we left she flew to every one of the 11 children in the room and landed on their arms.

The vet said giving her a severe wing clip would make her very depressed because the she has been free flying since last year; and she clearly loves to fly. So now people have to go through 2 curtains and 2 doors to come in the side entrance of the cottage.

I did take one very different action this time. She had to stay in her cage for 24 hrs, which she hated. But the last time she got lost she attacked her mate from the stress of being lost, and he died ten days later. By keeping her physically separate, everyone had a day of “talking” to each other, to calm down. And she did MUCH better. I have to be honest, she wasn’t stressed when I picked her up in Weymouth.

I did have a vet tech visit my cottage – she said none of the birds are bored or have insufficient activities. They are all in good health and socializing with each other reasonably well. (If the cockatiels stay away from Henry’s cage he does not bother them.)
The chatter between them, each other and the wild birds they hear outside, is constant. But I like it.

Thank you for getting back to me. I’m sorry no one took notice of my email. But like her only other time lost, she was gone for four days. I can’t stress enough the importance of posting on 911ParrotAlert, Craigslist, etc. I handed out 500 flyers, so even people who didn’t see her, knew about her.



Hope LIKES people. She will try to land on your head, shoulder, arm or hand. She knows her name. She will tip her head for you to scratch her under her yellow feathers ONLY. She will gently nip you if you do it wrong. She does a modified wolf whistle and wants you to repeat it to her. She will continue with varying whistles and only wants you to repeat them. She is more strongly bonded to her human than the other birds at home: another Cockatiel and Quaker. Even so, she is always within a few feet of them and sleeps with the Cockatiel. She is capable of flying LONG distances with or without her wings being clipped. She got out today, while I was out, when one of the dogs pushed the door open. Both birds have been calling her for hours.


Grey and white with Yellow Crown and orange “cheeks.”

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