- Species: African Grey (See species list for details)
- Location: Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado, United States 80906
- Date Lost: June 12, 2012
- Phone Number: 719-210-4161
- Original URL: http://cosprings.craigslist.org/pet/3074579706.html
she flew down this morning. I went out at 430 and waited for the sun up. Once the wild birds quieted down she began communicating with me. She flew around for a while and went to a higher tree. After about an hour of coaxing her from 50 feet high she swooped down to a smaller tree and jumped on the fence for me to pick her up. I am so thankful to god because I thought she was gone for good. Thank you for reading my post and taking time to contact me.
Fledging baby flew out the window and took off. She may be up the tree behind us. It sounded like her and the sun went down so we do not know. Please if you see her call 719-xxx-xxxx