
  • Species: Parakeet, Budgie (See species list for details)
  • Location: Norco, California, United States 92860
  • Date Lost: December 27, 2019
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

Sooo… the cats were playing outside the aviary, like they always do, patting at the birdlets and getting all excited about the flutter of little wings… and someone patted the latch and flipped it open… my roommate came in this morning screaming about a parakeet on the front porch and how Tippy, the cat, was trying to get it, “Come help!” So, I went out in my pajamas and no cat or parakeet to be found. I then had a sudden suspicion, and ran to my aviary, and door wide open. Four parakeets inside, one flying in the larger enclosure who I manage to scoop up and toss into aviary. So now I have five left. Out of seventeen. I’m so sad. I can see them flying around the neighborhood, and spent all morning shaking the food bowl for them, but can’t manage to lure them down. As you can see from photos, they are kinda tame, or at least, not afraid of humans.

If you have a bowl of seed, and shake it, they will come flapping in for a landing.

If they are on the ground (tired, cuz outside world is very large compared to inside aviary) just throw a t-shirt over them, bundle them up gently, watch for displace wings, then go inside a bathroom or something to catch them and put in a cage.

If you want to keep what you catch, lol, I don’t mind, just send me an email to say you caught one. I’m so sad cuz it’s gonna be so cold tonight and they don’t know how to find food. It’s always come in bowls for them twice a day, everyday… ;(

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