- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Bishopdale/Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Date Lost: January 13, 2012
- Phone Number: 021 257 9489
- Original URL: http://www.starcanterbury.co.nz/news/wolf-whistling-cockatiel-flees-nest-after-quake/1246209/
Wolf whistling cockatiel flees nest after quake
Monday, January 23, 2012 14:11
Wolf-whistling cockatiel Flicker has flown the coop.
If you’ve been hearing a wolf whistle coming from the backyard, it might not be what you think.
Bishopdale mother Hermione Blair, 38, has lost her cockatiel Flicker- who has the unusual talent of wolf whistling.
Flicker, 1, went missing from his coop, on Wilton Cres in Bishopdale, following the December 23 magnitude 6 earthquake.
“I have the birds in two big cages outside connected by a tunnell. What we didn’t realise is that the tunnell moved in the quake and he was able to get out,” Ms Blair said.
Flicker may have been spooked by the earthquakes, she said.
The last time Ms Blair saw Flicker was when a neighbour spotted him in her tree.
“My neighbour said he was up her tree wolf whistling but he was up so high. I tried to get him to come down but he just flew off. It was sad because he was so close but so far away. It’s pretty difficult to catch a bird, especially once they’ve had the taste of freedom.”
The distinctive bird has a grey body, a completely white head, and white wing and tail tips. He is smaller than an average cockatiel.
He can wolf whistle and also says “pretty.”
Flicker’s mate, Bella, was missing him terribly.
“She has been calling for him, it’s really sad. My 6 year old and my 3 year old are missing him too. We all just want him home.”
She said Flicker was likely to be quite tired and scared as he was not used to flying.
But Ms Blair was determined not to give up hope of Flicker returning. “I’m still positive he will come home. Because it’s summer he will be able to find food in people’s gardens but when the weather cools down I think he’ll want to come home. He’s an Australian bird so he doesn’t like the heat. Someone told me their bird went missing from New Brighton and was found four weeks later in Burnside. So, I’m still hopeful he can be found. Please call if you think you have seen him,” she said.
If anyone has seen Flicker, they can call Hermione Blair on 021 257 9489.