
She was actually gone for five days…my assistant wrote the ad and I didn’t bother correcting her.  Kazoo was found about a mile away and had flown west over an eight lane freeway to a park at Mission Bay where she was found.  We didn’t spend much time in that area, just a dozen posters, since we didn’t think she would cross the freeway.  So we had plastered posters, gone door to door, and handed out business cards with her picture and a phone number to anyone we came across (especially dog walkers) for about two miles in the other three directions!  The 1,000 business cards were $80 with one day service.  We put them in car windows on streets and in shopping center parking lots, in newspaper bags, handed them out at local restaurants and bars, etc.  Posters are great…and they were everywhere…with a big photo of her blue head, it did catch your eye.  But unlike a dog or cat that you can pick up, take home and then go find the poster with the phone number, a parrot may be up in a tree and need the owner to coax it down immediately.  So I am thinking that the business cards that someone puts in their pocket or in the console of their car may be a better approach after the first day or so.

Someone found her on a cement park bench at Mission Bay, exhausted and hungry.  He picked her up and took her to a friend’s home that had three Amazons, about a 20 minute drive.  The friend gave her some water, Nutri-Berries and located us.  He tried the best known bird shop in San Diego, Bird Crazy, and while they remembered me calling them, they could not find my phone number.  (I believe I contacted them before I had the posters made up and had started faxing them to pet stores and vets’ offices.)  He then went on Craig’s List and located our Lost Parrot ad.

The nice thing though, was that most people who saw us taking them down took the time to ask if we had found her.  Plus, I discovered that there are quite a few parrot lovers in my neighborhood…after seeing the posters, they called me with encouragement…most of them reciting a positive story about a parrot of theirs.

I have come to the conclusion that people who choose parrots as their companions are a different bred than other animal lovers!


As posted on Craigslist
“Kazoo was found yesterday, after 4 days of being away from home. Thank you everyone for your calls and encouragement! For any one looking for a lost bird of their own…. Don’t lose hope and put flyers up EVERYWHERE! We even had little business cards made up with her picture and information and passed them and put them on cars.  Thank you!”
LOST PARROTSmallish size, blue head, green body.
Lost in the Baypark area, was last seen heading west.
May answer to Kazoo. Please call if you spot her!

Contact Bird Owner
