- Species: Conure - Pineapple Green Cheek (See species list for details)
- Location: Des Moines, Iowa, United States 50310
- Date Lost: December 30, 2011
- Banded: No
- Microchipped: No
I was so amazed that he was found. Fortunately the weather her has been nice and it didn’t get below freezing overnight. He is sitting on my shoulder as I type 
I placed ads on Craigslist, hoobly.com, kijiji.com, parrotalert.com, birdhotline.com and 911parrotalert.com. I called the local 24 hour emergency vet clinics, the city animal control for my city and the surrounding city’s. I emailed my avian vet and a friend of mine that’s a vet. And the next day I went to the local rescue league and pet stores with a picture and my contact info. I had friends driving around the neighborhood looking for him while I was at work.
He was gone just over 24hrs when I got the call. He was found sitting on a car in a driveway 2 1/2 blocks from my house. He stepped up on her hand and ran up her arm to her shoulder and she took him inside. Since they didn’t have any birds they put him in a live trap with a wooden dowel and water. Yes I said a live trap – a raccoon trap to be precise, but that was a really good idea. Then when to the store and bought some cockatiel seed. She said they looked in the newspapers lost and found and had called several pet stores. Their daughter came over and decided to look at Craigslist and she saw my ad and photo. I drove over and picked him up.
I’m the president of a bird club and I work at the local zoo and I’m always amazed at the odd places people call when they find lost, stray or injured pets/wildlife. Why people call a pet store regarding a found ‘exotic’ animal is something I don’t understand. It isn’t a good thing to do around here. We have a family owned pet store that I know has been given birds by the city animal control because the city’s animal control people don’t have the knowledge or a place to put them. I was furious after I found out about one incident, that involved cruelty to a breeding pair of scarlet macaws. They had been left locked in a cage under a bridge and the local police department took them to the pet store because they weren’t tame and they couldn’t handle them. A pet store employee kept them so he could breed them. Sorry, I will get off my soap box now.
Thanks again for all you do to help parrots!
Lisa Williams
My bird was found – how do I update my ‘Lost’ posting?
Surgical sexing tattoo. Likes people and will give kisses. Lost near Merle Hay Mall.