- Species: Parakeet, Budgie (See species list for details)
- Location: Richland, Washington, United States 99352
- Date Lost: June 25, 2012
- Phone Number: (509) 942-8111
- Original URL: http://kpr.craigslist.org/laf/3100755048.html
Yesterday evening our very loved parakeet mistakenly got outside and flew away. I know this is a long shot, but our family is missing him terribly and I want to make sure that if there is any chance someone found him we made sure they could contact us. He is light blue, with yellow and black markings..he is hand tame and will hop to your finger from about three feet away to the command jump, further if you have anything to lure him with like millet or fruit..we just weren’t fast enough..he got scared and panicked :(, if by any chance you can get closer he will step onto your finger if you present it to him and say step up. Like I said I know it is probably completely unrealistic that he will be found, but i had to try. Thanks for reading!
Please text (509) 942-8111 with any information!

- Location: Richland