- Species: Quaker (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: Killeen, Texas, United States 76543
- Streets: John Haedge Dr
- Date Lost: August 20, 2011
- Phone Number: 254-317-6261
- Original URL: http://killeen.craigslist.org/laf/2557808261.html
I know this is a long shot but we lost our Lucky today. Lucky is a Quaker Parrot and only says pretty baby and sings/chirps. I had put Lucky out for some fresh air and apparently got out. Obviously wings were not clipped. We have had lucky for 6 months and had just gotten a new cage for him. I say him but am not sure of gender. We are really worried and kids really miss him. He is mostly green with grey. We live on John Haedge Dr in Killeen. Thank you.