- Species: African Grey (See species list for details)
- Location: Flint, Texas, United States 75762
- Streets: Noonday
- Date Lost: October 3, 2012
- Banded: No
- Phone Number: 903-360-0780
- Original URL: http://easttexas.craigslist.org/pet/3318593786.html
“Chevy” is an African Grey parrot (medium sized grey bird with a red tail) that flew out the door of a home near Noonday/Flint area. He has been missing since Oct. 3rd and very much missed. He will most likely go to someones house and hang out close-by. Owners are offering $1000 Reward for anyone who finds him and contains him until he can be brought home safely. He does not have a band on his leg. He may say words such as “Collin”, “Nanna’s boy”, or “cracker”. Please call nine-zero-three-three-six-zero-zero-seven-eight-zero for any information. Thank you.