- Species: Quaker (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: Ithaca, New York, United States 14850
- Date Lost: May 25, 2012
- Phone Number: 607-592-9409
- Original URL: http://ithaca.craigslist.org/pet/3038571035.html
Quaker parrot (Roscoe) (Linn st. Ithaca)
Around 9:00 pm on 5-25-2012 our Quaker parrot flew away. He is missed very much. If you find him please either capture him and bring him to 125 Linn street or call 607-592-9409 and we will pick him up. He is wearing an ankle tag with the number 454 on it and the tag is red. He is friendly but may nip so use caution. There is a small reward if found and brought back home or located so we may bring him home. Will post a picture when I can get to a computer.