- Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
- Location: Groton, New York, United States 13073
- Date Lost: June 10, 2012
- Banded: No
- Microchipped: No
he was banded, but it had to be removed because he became tangled in a toy bell. He has grey eyes and an orange tail pinfeathers and chest feathers. he sings, talks, whistles and clicks. he prefers men. he flew away from our home.we are offering a $1,000.00 reward for his safe return.he says ” can I have my kisses now” and ” Guapo” and he coughs like he has a cold…says “good morning” and “I love you”..we miss him terribly
Makamae is a male, he has peach tail feathers and some peach chest feathers too. He talks a lot, he can sing , he says: ” I love you” , ” Can I have my kisses now”, ” good morning”, “Guapo”, “hello” ( when he hears a phone ring) ” Stop it” (when other birds scream)…sings “honey honey honey”,he also sings:( ” The bridge over river Quai-marching song) he whistles ” jingle bells”. he makes kissing sounds. he makes clicking sounds. he has a pretty vast vocabulary. he prefers men, (my husband is his favorite) although he mimics everything I say mostly ( I am the female in the household), His eyes are grey and he pins a lot. when he is happy he coo’s like a pigeon. He flew away from my husband at 9:30 am. We have been calling him everyday, searching trees around our house and lots of other houses but he does not respond, we have made flyers with his picture and told neighbors, put flyers in the local school , and in the newspaper where we live, and in a church today. We even called a local psychic. we also called the Corrnell Vet school, tomorrow we will cal lthe SPCA and other animal shelters and veterinarians.