- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Big Lake, Minnesota, United States 55309
- Streets: Pleasant Ave and Eagle Lake Rd S
- Date Lost: August 5, 2012
- Contact Person: Jill
- Phone Number: (612) 501-4276 or (763) 263-7807
- Original URL: http://stcloud.craigslist.org/laf/3190488075.html
Lost on Sunday August 5th in the vicinity of Pleasant Ave and Eagle Lake Rd S. He is a male cockatiel named Louie, grey with a yellow crest and orange cheeks. If you hear from him or see him, please contact me right away. He is a very much loved pet and we want to have him home. I am offering a $50.00 reward for his safe return. Please call Jill at (612) 501-4276 or (763) 263-7807 Thanks!