- Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
- Location: Comstock Park, Michigan, United States 49321
- Date Lost: August 7, 2011
- Contact Person: Beth Miller
- Phone Number: 616-785-8119
- Original URL: http://lostandfoundpetsamerica.com/ads/cockatiel-13/
Lost our cockatiel from the Westgate Park area of Comstock Park on Sunday, August 7th just before 11 am. Last seen heading South East. Friendly and fully flighted, could be anywhere by now! It’s getting cold so if he is still out there he doesn’t have much time left.Didgeridoo (or Didgeri) is a normal gray male with a yellow head and orange cheeks. Can say “Didgeri is a pretty bird” and whistle some tunes. May come if you whistle “shave and a haircut” and may whistle it back to you. Please contact us if you see or hear any sign of him, he was our first hatchling and we are heartbroken. Please call 616-785-8119 if you see or hear any sign of him or email theoretical productions at yahoo dot com. Thank you so much for your help!Have also found another cockatiel while looking for ours, this one was found near 28th and Clyde Park in early August. Call and identify to claim.bird birds cockatiel cockateil tiel
- Location: Comstock Park