
My budgie, Darrel got lost on 7/29/11. He may have ended up in other towns or cities. He does not have a leg band or a microchip. If you look very closely at his black markings, there is a hint of brown. It would be difficult to tell my budgie’s age or gender just by appearence because he is a recessive pied budgie. My budgie might look younger than his real age. He would most likely not be tame to you if you find him because he doesn’t know you. He likes to eat millet.


The budgie flew out during 7/29/11 around evening. He might be at surrounding/nearby towns or cities to Medford if he is not at Medford. He is about the size of a hand. He usually responds to the name Dare and people whistling without whistles. He likes to eat millet.


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