
Flew off this morning (Monday, Aug 20th) our little green Conure. She’s a little smaller than a short-legged Robin, and pretty much green colored. She has a metal band on a leg. First time flyer, just after a molt and got scared and up a tree. She’s very tame to certain people, bites anyone else. We live in the N. Highland neighborhood, just off N. Market. If you find her, please call and we’ll see if we can call her down! We know she’s scared and hungry. She may be chummed in with food….ANYTHING THAT YOU EAT….sandwich, eggs, ice cream…milk, juice, Coke, tea… anything except bird seed! If she sees you eating, she may fly right to you! She is part of our family and we’re really worried about her!!

Thanks ever so much!!

(318)673-9800 or (503)929-1813 or (503-929-6082

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