
Green Conure (Minooka)


We lost a green Conure about a month ago. We heard it landed and someone pick him up. We are sure that they do not know who it belongs to, so I am sure they did not know where to turn him inn. We are the owners of the bird. We just want him returned back, our children miss him so much. We are willing to buy you a equal value trade of what ours was worth or give you the money. We just want him back. He is green with white around his eyes. We can describe him more over the phone. We do have pictures and the contact of the person when we bought him from, in case you want to verify. We also have neighbors that can verify.We are not sure if he flew to another area, but this is basically to anyone that found a Green Conure, there is a $$$$ reward for is safety back.

My name is Erica this is our 815 828-5690

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