

2 Green Lovebirds with some red around their chest & forehead, one is 11 months & mom a “PeachFace”, are Missing since April 9, and Aug10. Son took off in Kalihi on Saturday April 9 at 10 am.[123 days ago], & has been seen once on July 6 on my roof after calling us, but was startled from noise nearby, and took off again after 4 months of being away!!! This WAS quite a golden opportunity to have this smart precious bird back safe & sound on his own as he looked healthy, but tired.

The mom just took off on Wednesday. & seen Thursday morning at 6:30 am after getting our attention with her usual chips & was on a big tree 200 feet away. It was hard to find her on that fully branched crowded tree, but after calling him in familiar chirps; she answered back, and I finally saw her up front tucked in branches full of pink blossoms she blended in them well. She looked at me, and once I gently shook the tree; she took off again, and fast disappeared from the entire area. I just hope she can find her way back, but being an older bird she is no longer as sharp as she once was. That day I did not leave home, and cancelled everything, but she still did not show up.

She’s very friendly, and could sit on someone’s shoulder, but if that someone doesn’t panic, then please “THAT SOMEONE” please kindly call me asap, and if you wish I’ll pay you for the trouble of taking your valuable time. Her place is empty, and “NAZDAR”, her favorite daughter adores her & is sad, but doesn’t show it. I can’t tell her what has happened. She just misses her, and so far she’s holding her own pretty good, being the strongest, the sweetest, and bravest of all. She’s definitely getting more attention from me, and others like that, they like that a lot. I can see it in their cute faces.

We’re all worried for their well being, “NAZEH” never being on his own, finding food, water, and hopefully staying safe, and the mom so used to home w/us. She was one of the few up for RE-HOMING or adoption, because regretfully my place is not big enough, and I currently I have no one else to support & assist me with their care, so need to find them homes as early as possible.

You may see my also see my ad in more than two categories, and that ad was after NAZE went missing.

They stay outside the cage, and may be kept for days inside your home. They will not be OK inside a cage. They sing at day break & sleep at sun down. I hope they have at least found each other. Recovering any of them at this point will be the greatest joy for us.

Please, kindly call 845-5716 asap if you have found or seen any or both of them, very attached to me & their family. Photos are with “NAZE” on left.
Thank you in advance, and may God bless you.

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