- Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
- Location: Hawaii Kai (Oahu), Hawaii, United States 96825
- Date Lost: October 14, 2011
- Phone Number: 391-8302
- Original URL: http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/laf/2649447424.html
African Grey (Hawaii Kai), My untame African grey Congo flew away and he was around in the trees near my home. He had no front feathers-just nice red tail feathers. He is not a tame bird and will bite, so if you see him, call Gayle @ 391-8302 (before 9 PM). He is NOT tame and is shy. Fully plucked on his front. He is close to my home, but am unable to catch him. If you see him, please call Gayle @ 391-8302.