
Reward…. Lost Yellow/Blue Parakeet. Wolf Creek Trail, Bowersville, Ga. area. Please call (706)436-8132

From the Independent Mail:

Lost parakeet alert! Baby, a yellow and blue parakeet that lives with Hearsayer Ethel in the Bowersville, Ga., area has flown the coop and Hearsay’s putting out an APB for the lost bird. “My boyfriend was working on the back door at the house,” Ms. E explained. “Baby’s never gone back there before, but he just came through there like he knew what he was doing.” Baby flew the coop on Jan. 17. “I hope I’m not fighting a losing battle here. It was storming the night Baby left.” Well Hearsay sure hopes so too. If anyone has seen Baby or knows of Baby’s whereabouts, please call Ms. E at (706) 436-8132. “He’ll fly right onto your head,” Ms. E said of her parakeet. “If he does that, just take him inside and call me.” So Hearsayers, if a yellow and blue bird lands on your noggin, you know what to do, right? Don’t panic! Just go inside and pick up the phone!



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