- Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
- Location: Tampa, Florida, United States 33607
- Date Lost: May 19, 2012
- Phone Number: 301-758-9199, 813-442-4808
- Original URL: http://tampa.craigslist.org/hil/pet/3034044463.html
Reward $200 – Lost Cockatiel Bird (S. Westshore Blvd, Tampa)
Lost “Ruby”, which is a normal grey cockatiel on Saturday, 19 May around 3:30 PM near S. Westshore Blvd in Tampa. He has a yellow head, orange cheeks, grey body and stands about 6 inches tall. He is super friendly and absolutely loves people, since he was handfed as a baby. I am offering a $200 reward. My cell phone # is 301-758-9199, home phone is 813-442-4808. If calling, please leave message on cell phone, since my phone isn’t with me at work. I appreciate your help.
Thanks! Steve