- Species: Cockatiel - Lutino (See species list for details)
- Location: Milton, Florida, United States 32583
- Date Lost: April 14, 2011
- Banded: Yes
- Phone Number: 850-725-5099
- Original URL: https://www.911parrotalert.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=entry&id=8&lid=1845&paged=1
my cockatiel got away on 4/14/11. it is a lutino pied mostly yellow body grey on the wings and back,with a yellow head and orange cheeks. if found please call. lost in east milton florida. thanks for looking.
Lost my cockatiel on the 14th of april. It has a mostly gray body, yellow head and orange cheeks. Also it is wearing a band on its right leg. if found please call.thanks for looking. $25 reward.