
Cato was last seen in mid November on Fairfield Terrace. Right near where he as last seen. I believe a family up there has him. Please, if you know his whereabouts or if your neighbor has a “new bird” contact me. All contact info will remain confidential.

Cato knows his name. Usually answers when called. He’s 2 1/2, we’ve had him since he was 3 mo. He says several words: his name, “hey” “what” “good”. He understands “Want some” if you want to share something with him. He’s not at all used to being outdoors. Last seen 10/3 at 10:30 a.m. right near our house. Lot’s of yellow in his head and face, but very obvious orange around the eyes. Beautiful, friendly guy. Lives with his “girl” A peach-faced lovebird.

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