- Species: Cockatiel - Pied (See species list for details)
- Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States 80915
- Streets: Hiawatha Drive
- Date Lost: June 7, 2012
- Phone Number: cos-660-twentytwo70
- Original URL: http://cosprings.craigslist.org/pet/3062892674.html
My lutino cross cockatiel has gotten out this morning from my backyard on Hiawatha Drive in 80915. His name is Max, he whistles back to you when you whistle to him, he has more white than grey on his feathers and a yellow speckled tail that is missing the middlemost (longest) tail feather, so his tail appears short. He is sweet, please try to capture him and call me at cos-660-twentytwo70 !!!!!!!!!!!