
  • Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
  • Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 2S1
  • Date Lost: August 9, 2012
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No
  • Phone Number: 604-868-6799

Cheeks is super friendly. She is mostly drak grey, has some yellow around her beak as well as a few yellow tail feathers. Has a speckled chest and white spots under her wings. There is white at the bottom of her wings and she has dime sized orange cheeks, but not super bright orange. She knows to step up, loves to ride around on your shoulder. One of her fave places to hang out is on your ankle when you have your feet up. She’s quite the little theif when it comes to food, and enjoys just about anything. Especially loves yams, corn, rice, corn flakes, popcorn, chips, and even gooey marshmellows.

Her wings are not clipped. She loves to eat up my plants and chew on any paper that she can get her little beak on. She gives kisses, loves getting cuddles and having her neck and cheeks scratched. She’s a member of our family and we want her back at home with us. Please contact us at 604-868-6799 with any info.

We appreicate any help we can get.

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