- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States 95062
- Date Lost: February 5, 2012
- Phone Number: (h) 831 476-7243, (w) 831 454-2787
- Original URL: http://sfbay@.craigslist.org/scz/laf/2836390298.html
Our cockatiel flew away Sunday midday from near the Capitola Mall. She is yellow with orange cheeks and some grey in wings and belly. Tame & very good flier. She could be anywhere in Santa Cruz. Once she flew away before. Within less than 24 hrs she flew from the Capitola Mall to UCSC, where she landed on the head of a life guard who was teaching a swimming class. Responds to whistling sound. She may land on someone’s shoulder or head. If she lands somewhere near you, just put your finger in front of her and she will most likely hop on it. Then when she is on your hand, just put her to your chest and cover her with the other hand. Then hold on behasuse she will try to wiggle out. Please contact immediately when sighted or found. REWARD! We love her.
This is not the same cockatiel as the one that flew away from Soquel a few days ago, even though they look similar. Our “Suki” od “Birdy” is 10 years old and female and has a very limited repertoir in sounds: only one loud “peeep”, which she excitedly exercises when she hears my car drive in.
(h) 831 476-7243, (w) 831 454-2787
- Location: santa cruz
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