
Hi, Carolyn,
Thanks so much for writing. Yes, I would like to join your Yahoo group. I had had no idea that groups like ParrotAlert existed. It gave me tremendous comfort to be able to list my Lost Bird Report with them.
I am very lucky because after five days, Mango was returned to me. She was spotted in someone’s yard and then flew to that person, who had a friend who loves parrots. That friend retrieved Mango and fed her. The next morning, she called The Fremont Animal Shelter,  where I had also made a Lost Bird Report. She was given my name  and number and called me. I already had Mango’s travel cage in the car and off I went to get my Green Chicken.
I am very fortunate and very thankful.
Best regards,
Rob Bosley

* * * * * *REUNITED * * * * * *

*** LOST: Alexandrine Ring Necked Parakeet “Mango” Fremont, California 05/31/2012 ***

Green body about 16 inches from beak to taIl tip. Reddish shoulders. Orange beak. Yellow eyes. Female, so no ring around the neck. Three years old. Flew out open door in Brookvale neighborhood. $100 Reward.

Xposted from by 911PA Volunteer Carolyn

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