- Species: Parakeet, Budgie (See species list for details)
- Location: Cudahy, California, United States 90201
- Date Lost: June 8, 2011
- Contact Person: Linda
- Phone Number: (323)771-3080, (323)866-9946
Please Help/Lost Parakeets (Cudahy/Bell), Please Help Me…. I am desperately searching for two of my parakeets. They flew of scare when a boy knock down their cage. I really love them, and I am scare they might be eaten by cats, or die because they dont know how to catch food on their own. They are really spoil, It’s a male green parakeet with yellow face/ head. And a female yellow parakeet with some green in her chest and some on her wings. Please, please, please if you see them or get them give me a call (323)771-3080 or in my cell (323)866-9946 the green male parakeet will come to you if you have food. I promise I will give you parakeets once one of my females have babies. I appreciate any help, and hope to hear from someone soon.