- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States 85705
- Date Lost: August 12, 2012
- Phone Number: 747-5127
- Original URL: http://birdhotline.com/viewlost.htm#Arizona
*** Lost 5 Cockatiels Tucson, Arizona 08/12/2012 ***
Five missing cockatiels from an outside aviary. Most are 15-20 years old and dearly loved . Missing are: (1) Gray whiteface malePied (2) maleCinnamon (3) whiteface femalePearl pied (4) whiteface female (mostly white) (5) Pastel face male, one band, gray with light pearls. Most of them are hand tamed and sweet. Attached pictures are images from the internet to give you an idea of what they look like. Please call 747-5127 or email if you have info. Thank you.
Xposted from BirdHotline.com by Volunteer Carolyn ~ Carolyngla@yahoo.com