- Species: Duck (See species list for details)
- Location: Anchorage, Alaska, United States 99515
- Streets: off of Klatt
- Date Lost: September 30, 2011
- Contact Person: Lily
- Phone Number: 907-947-9749
- Original URL: http://anchorage.craigslist.org/pet/2628930215.html
Our pet duck went missing Friday night outside our house off of Klatt. We think he may have wondered off or someone accidentally picked him up when he did. He is very large for a Mallard and is about the size of a small goose. He goes by name the Duck and is about 10 years old and just molted his feathers so he looks very clean and young. If you have any information please call or text for Lily at 907 947 9749.
- Location: Anchorage
- it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2628930215