- Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
- Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States 73160
- Date Lost: January 12, 2012
- Contact Person: Sheryl
- Phone Number: 405-924-9818 or 405-842-0558
- Original URL: http://www.petfinder.com/classifieds/searchclassified.cgi?state=ALL&order=created+DESC&keyword=bird&type=L
I have lost my Bella from the Harvey storage Facility at 8am Thurs. She is grey with a red tail. please contact Sheryl at 405-924-9818 or 405-842-0558 if you find her. The wind has carried her off and she could be anywhere.
LOST AFRICAN GREY PARROT (51st and N Harvey),I lost my grey Thurs morning from Harvey Self Storage. She is grey with a red tail. Please if you see her, try to catch her and call Sheryl at 405-924-9818 or 405-842-0558