- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Cadillac, Michigan, United States 49601
- Date Lost: May 28, 2012
- Contact Person: Tom Gray
- Phone Number: (734)934-1912
- Original URL: https://www.911parrotalert.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=entry&id=9&lid=8067&filter=&paged=1&pos=1
Lost male pied
Took flight memorial day
Can send picture
10 years old very friendly
Answers to Pretty Bird
Says whatcha doing and is very very friendly most of all so missed!
Pretty Bird took flight on Memorial Day. He had never in
nine years done this. He likes wolf whistling, saying
pretty bird, does step up and is very very friendly.
Prefers women. It was a very windy day-he could be
anywhere….miss him desperately!
Contact owner at this linkĀ http://birdmart.com/cgi-bin/chatscripts/mailform.cgi?uid=Yjsqgfgn19&dmn=qszgg.uge&name=Cadillac,+Mi&subject=Cockatiel