- Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
- Location: Riverview, Florida, United States 33579
- Date Lost: September 1, 2022
- Banded: No
- Microchipped: No
Ernie is 2 and very tame. His wings are clipped but he has a big tail which must afforded him so much lift. He soared right out the door, over the neighbors 20’ tree and east down Artesa Bell Drive. Earnie is super people friendly, commonly sings tv show theme songs and pop songs. He will come by name and if you say step up, he will climb on your hand or shoulder. He has large orange spots on his cheeks. He flock calls when he is scared, a loud screeching and repetitive whistle. I am offering a reward and it could be substantial.
Riverview, FL