
  • Species: Conure - Green Cheek (See species list for details)
  • Location: San Diego, California, United States 92122
  • Date Lost: May 1, 2020
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

Mila is a green-cheeked conure with pretty standard colors (i.e. very similar to the first result on google images for “green cheeked conure”), so green back, red tail, yellow-ish belly with red on the bottom, and gray beak. A bit shy with strangers, but generally friendly. Likes to play with bottle caps by banging them on the table (before dropping them on the floor). If you shake a pill bottle or hold anything that contains liquid near her, she becomes very interested and tries to bite it.
She also has an open band on her right leg, code starting with BBF (owner will supply complete band information).

If sighted please contact Thiago @ 858-666-7487.

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