
  • Species: Senegal (See species list for details)
  • Location: ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, United States 22303
  • Date Lost: June 1, 2020
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

7 yr. old, female. Well socialized, says Hello, Ready? You ok? Plays peek a boo and wolfwhistles.
Many times will respond to “you gotta a fedda?”( meaning you want me to preen your feathers?). She scratches her head when she wants me to preen her.
Likes people and is used to dogs. Will eat almost anything and has a healthy appetite.
I can be reached by text: 703-501-1461 or email

UPDATE! 6/6/20:

She was sighted in the eaves of Landmark Plaza parking garage on LIttle River Turnpike in the eaves. She said Hello to a lady and flew down to her, but the lady couldn’t get her because she was on the way to the store. Meanwhile, just shortly before I got there, the security guard found her, put her in a box, took her up to the top and LET HER GO!!!!! He said they put poison out and he was trying to keep her safe. She’s been hanging around one spot in the garage, but may not go back there now. Searched the whole area. Talked to many people.Lots of eyes out for her. Please let me know if you can update the lost report. My number to call or text is 703 501 1461. Flip Biondi (Lost 6/1) I think I posted the 1st or 2nd


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