
  • Species: Amazon (See species list for details)
  • Location: Montgomery Township, Pennsylvania, United States 18936
  • Date Found: September 24, 2012

This is not my bird. I was contacted by neighbors, as well as a township police officer who believed that the bird may have been mine. I went to the address where the bird was discovered high in the trees, and I recognized the voice of an Amazon, and then got a glimpse of the bird flying away. My own birds might recognize the call of a lost bird, so I put an open-door carrier on my back porch containing a large soft towel, food, and water. Not a good chance, but worth a try.
Vicinity: Morningside Drive, Sunset Drive, West Thomas Road, Vilsmeier Road. I know that a neighbor in this vicinity owns an Amazon…just not sure exactly where that neighbor lives, and if, indeed, this bird resides there.

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