
  • Species: Parakeet, Budgie (See species list for details)
  • Location: West Newton, Massachusetts, United States 02465
  • Date Found: June 7, 2011
  • Banded: Don't Know
  • Microchipped: Don't Know


I have several bird feeders set up in my backyard, and you can imagine my surprise when I noticed the parakeet. S/he has white wings and blue underneath with a bit of yellow on his head. S/he seems to be content eating the bird seed and the other birds seem to be leaving him alone. There are hawks around our home, and I don’t know how long he’ll last or stick around. I don’t know how to catch him, so if s/he may be yours, please email me so we can get you here to help catch your pet.

PostingID: 2427257616

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