- Species: Quaker (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: CROFTON, Maryland, United States 21114
- Date Found: July 19, 2020
- Banded: Don't Know
- Microchipped: Don't Know
We have spotted what appears to be a very light colored (whites/grey) Quaker parrot. It has flown over our home 3 nights in a row around early dusk. It is flying fairly high and twice had native birds chasing it (a good indication it is not native). I have walked and driven the surrounding areas, and watched the tree lines. I have called out “Step Up” hoping it would find comfort with the statement and I have set up a cage with perch/food/water for the same reasons. I hope someone might read this and feel it fits the description of their missing feathered baby and we could get a name or familiar sayings to try and coach it down.
Area of Braddock Drive and Cardinal Crest.