- Species: Eclectus - Female (See species list for details)
- Location: joplin , Missouri, United States 64804
- Date Found: May 13, 2013
- Banded: No
- Microchipped: No
Hey Everyone I posted a Lost Bird posting Friday 11th and I got her home on mothers Day! I couldn’t figure out how to post a reunited posting lol. So if anyone can walk me through that Ill do that too. My baby girl is my kid! I love her so much she was scared and so high up in the tree she had no clue how to get down. she finally flew to a low enough limb that I could climb on top of a house to meet her! She and I cried all night as she chowed down on some nuts and vegetables and all her fav food! She fell asleep on my shoulder and we are even closer than before 🙂 6 years of love and it continues to grow! she was only a block away from home she was actually scared to be so high in the trees! I actually camped out in a neighbors yard Saturday night to watch over her. I tried everything to get her down her cage, food, treats, ladders, roof tops, being alone with her, distancing myself with her. Patience, Hope, and many many prayers finally relieved both of us that night on mothers day at 8pm. Sun burnt and dehydrated we both were, well mainly me. she seemed to enjoy her freedom of flying, sunshine and wild life. We had a close call when a squirrel ran at her to attack I assume? Then she flew off, she visited about 6 trees total that I am aware of. My baby girl wanted to come see me so bad she climbed from limb to tiny branches closer and closer to me then finally I reached her with my finger tips and she started crying! It was a very delicate moment for her and I both. With my neighbors waiting, my sis, and ma, fam and friends were amazed how it turned out. My prayers were never ending, my patience completely over whelmed all my actions. The night I lost her It was a search that never ended after all else went to sleep I kept searching it was fate it seems for I made wonderful life long friends and Lexy had her freedom as I had always wished for her. I am continuing to write a book about her and the animals of the world how they are not to be forgotten as souls just as we. I no longer eat meat, my babies come before me, I work for them they are angels here for me, not me here for them. Love Life before its too late 🙂