
I rescued a sun conure from a tree a week ago. If you think he/she is yours, call me or email me to identify him. I left a “found bird” notification with the public animal shelter but it’s already been a week and I’m going to give CL a try. I named him Lucky for the time being because I figured he’s lucky to be found by me while I was driving because he was in a bad shape. If I hadn’t found him he probably would have died that night.

He doesn’t seem as tame as he was when i first rescued him but i think its because he’s not used to the place and my Quaker named Stitch gets jealous of him whenever I try to do something nice for him so Lucky and I didn’t have time or leisure to get closer. Not that he’ll let me because he’s pretty territorial right now because of the new environment. But I know he’s trainable because I played with him all day when I first rescued him and cuddled w him. If the previous owner doesn’t claims him within a week, I’m going to find a new owner w a rehoming fee. If you think you’re the owner contact me with the details of your lost bird. If you want to be considered a new owner after this week you can contact me too so I know who to contact once the owners don’t show up.

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ps: I will make sure this bird isn’t adopted to a breeder or someone who’ll neglect him so please don’t contact if you’re not going to be a committed companion to him with the necessary items for a bird (ex: cage, toys, etc)

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