
  • Species: Parakeet, Budgie (See species list for details)
  • Location: Wendell, Massachusetts, United States 01379
  • Date Found: July 8, 2014
  • Banded: No

My  cousin found green/yellow budgie  outside in her birdbath in Wendell, MA and brought him in. He has been staying with her up until yesterday when we went and picked up the bird from her. We already have two pet birds so we are happy to have a house guest for a little while, but I would still like to see about finding his owner. I think he previously lived in a home with other pets. He actually spent some time grooming my cousin’s dog and he was very excited to see our pet birds. He is extremely friendly and tame. He is definitely finger trained. He most certainly came from a loving home and I would really like to reunite him back with his family.

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